Seed Sowers Ministry
Seed Sowers Ministry is solely designed for Christian leaders; those who sow into the lives of other. This ministry encourages Christian leaders to examine their spiritual life and to press for a deeper relationship with God. Seed Sowers Ministry advocates that deeper intimacy with God becomes more evident, as we live out the following principles:
- To love God with all that is within us; heart, mind, soul, and strength (Deut. 6:5)
- To model the perichoretic nature of our Triune God. (See: Ministry in the Image of God, Seamands, 2005). In doing so, we will realize that “God is closer to us than we are to ourselves” (St. Augustine, African theologian).
- To realize that growth is essential for everyone; even for leaders.
Services Provided with Formational Guidance

Formational Guidance
Formational counseling provides an environment that is conducive for spiritual growth. The believer’s heart is opened by the Holy Spirit for deeper intimacy with God. Through open discussions and the practice of spiritual disciplines, including silence, meditation, imaginative prayers, reading of scriptures, worship, and journaling, the believer is appropriated before Christ for inner healing.

Holy Spirit
Formational counseling welcomes the presence of the Holy Spirit. The formational guidance sessions are deeply engaged and driven by Spirit’s coalescing work. The spiritual director is merely the human instrument used in this process. As the Holy Spirit facilitates this inward movement towards Christ, She opens our hearts to greater intimacy with the Father and Son. Whereby, we are able to sow stronger seeds into the lives of those we have been commissioned to help. Each session will draw you more fully in God's abundant love, Christ's healing presence, and into the comfort and peace of God's precious Holy Spirit.

Inner Healing
Formational guidance provides a safe space for inner healing to occur. The believer is afforded the opportunity to share, listen, and to feel God’s heart in these spiritual directing sessions. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the seeker's heart becomes opened for daily cleansing and renewal. Any elements that would impede us from operating at our fullest spiritual potential, subsequently, becomes uprooted by the Master Sower (Christ). Our hearts are then positioned for fuller fellowship with our Triune God.